Submissions open on a Rolling Basis!

The NUJS Legal Aid Society invites blog posts for its Let’s Get Talking blog on a rolling basis. 
About the NUJS Legal Aid Society
The NUJS Legal Aid Society is a student run society based in the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences which focuses on generating legal awareness, providing free legal assistance and conducting legal outreach programmes in the state of West Bengal.
The NUJS Legal Aid Society regularly collaborates with civil society organisations in India providing legal and logistical assistance in pursuit of common goals of legal justice.
About Let’s Get Talking
Let’s Get Talking is the flagship publication of the NUJS Legal Aid Society. Previously published as a print journal focusing on specific legal themes, we are reintroducing Let’s Get Talking in a digital avatar, shifting to a blog format in order to provide space more voices to be heard.
The blog shall be a platform for individuals to share their opinions regarding recent occurrences as well as their professional experiences. We shall also be providing updates regarding the work of the NUJS Legal Aid Society on the Let’s Get Talking blog.
Submission Details
Let’s Get Talking shall be accepting blog posts on a rolling basis throughout the year with content being published on the blog weekly.
While we shall be providing indicative themes each month for the blog posts, contributors are encouraged to share their opinions on contemporary legal occurrences as well. We accept submissions from students as well as professionals working in legal or humanities based professions.

The blog posts should share perspective (legal or non-legal) on themes of one's choice. We encourage blog posts detailing experiences of empirical research as well as social/legal outreach programmes.
A blog post submitted for publication on Let’s Get Talking should not exceed 1500 words. Longer posts may be published on a discretionary basis. Sources may be cited as in text hyperlinks or endnotes following the NUJS Law Review Citation Standard.
Please submit your blog post in a Word document at
Contributors should indicate their Name and Professional Affiliation in the covering mail.
Those writing on the provided indicative topics can choose their own titles for their blog posts. Contributors may write in support or against a particular topic or provide a neutral perspective, as per their choice.
While we are open to diverse kinds of submissions, only those blog posts which meet our editorial standards shall be published on the blog.


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